D Geary Bathroom Installations- Covid-19 Statement
Can tradespeople still work?
The latest government advice is that people can travel to and from work, where it’s absolutely necessary if they can’t work from home.
Government clarification for tradespeople working in people’s homes:
They can carry out work as long as they’re well and have no symptoms, and can stand 2 metres apart from anyone else in the house. They shouldn’t carry out work in any households that are self-isolating or if an individual is classed as vulnerable and being protected, unless the work is to sort a problem which is a direct risk to the safety of the household, like emergency plumbing or repairs, and where they’re willing to do so.
Keeping safe whilst work’s taking place
Whilst the tradesperson’s in your house, it’s important that you:
- Let them know where they can wash their hands as soon as they come into your house.
- Minimise physical contact, for example by avoiding handshakes.
- Practice social distancing. The NHS recommends staying two metres away from other people in your house, so stay away from the work area as much as possible.
- Have the windows open if you can – this helps clean air to keep circulating throughout the room.
Installers of all brands of sanitary ware and bathroom furniture including;